Our team of electricians successfully completed a meter box wiring
Pasi maseno kisumu Count
After motor starter repair
Installation and testing
Installation and testing
Our team of Electricians successfully completed installation of Automatic Transfer switch for one of our client at kisumu Dunga beach
Installation and testing
kisumu county
we don't choose or discriminate against any one every client is important
EARTH MAT IMPORTANCE The fault current from the equipment passes via the earthing system whenever an overload current is transmitted through the equipment or when a system fault arises due to the current. The earth mat conductors help raise the voltage by an amount equal to the earth mat's resistance multiplied by a ground fault.
Our team of Electricians successfully completed a whole house electrical installation and testing for one of our client Riat Kakamega Kisumu Rod
Our team of Electricians successfully completed a whole house electrical installation for one of our client at Siaya county Lake kanyaboli
Installation and testing
Discussing something related to the wiring process.
A physical inspection of a construction site by the project team behind the build to see and to identify any potential problems before Quotation
Our team of Electricians successfully completed a whole house electrical installation for one of our client at Siaya county Lake kanyaboli